
It’s evident Techqueria is deeply committed to its mission of advancing Latiné professionals in the tech industry while maintaining a strong alignment with its core values. The decision not to partner with companies known to work with and support ICE reflects a clear stance on social responsibility and a commitment to prioritizing the well-being of the community.

By taking a firm position against partnering with such companies, Techqueria is sending a powerful message about the importance of ethical considerations in business partnerships. This decision not only reflects the organization’s values but also holds tech companies accountable for their actions and the potential consequences of supporting controversial agendas.

Furthermore, acknowledging the challenges faced by the Latiné community, including instances where one of Techqueria’s own volunteers was detained by ICE, Carlos Martinez, adds a personal and empathetic dimension to the organization’s mission. The commitment to still providing support and resources to Latinx employees within these companies, while holding the companies accountable, demonstrates a nuanced approach that recognizes the complexities of the situation.

Techqueria’s emphasis on being “community-first” is evident not just in rhetoric but in actionable policies that prioritize the welfare and interests of its members. This approach not only builds trust within the community but also serves as a model for other organizations seeking to navigate ethical considerations in the tech industry.

Overall, Techqueria’s stance exemplifies a proactive and values-driven approach to community engagement, event partnerships, and digital marketing, reinforcing the organization’s dedication to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for Latiné professionals in the tech sector.

Call to Action

The encouragement for individuals within companies that support ICE to “enact change from the inside,” “refuse to design tools that power ICE,” and “follow the work of Mijente who started the #NoTechForICE campaign” reflects a call to action for those directly involved in such companies to take a stand against practices they may find ethically or morally objectionable.

This approach aligns with the idea that individuals within organizations can influence change by advocating for ethical considerations, pushing for policies that align with their values, and actively participating in initiatives that challenge the company’s involvement with ICE.

The suggestion to “work somewhere else if you are able to” underscores the personal agency of individuals in choosing workplaces that align with their values. It acknowledges that not everyone may have the ability to immediately enact change within their current employment situation and presents seeking alternative opportunities as a valid option.

This kind of advocacy is part of a broader movement within the tech industry where employees are increasingly vocal about the ethical implications of their work and the impact of technology on society. It also emphasizes the idea that employees can be agents of change within their organizations, pushing for more responsible and ethical practices.

Overall, this call to action demonstrates a commitment to holding both individuals and companies accountable for their actions, fostering a sense of personal responsibility, and advocating for a tech industry that aligns with values of justice, equity, and human rights.