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About the speaker

Izhar Buendia started his career in media production working in small TV studios, designing websites, and creating marketing posters. He then stumbled into the field of user experience design where he could further explore the intersection of human behaviour and technology. This led him to design tools for unique environments like power plants and airplanes at General Electric, restaurants management tools at OpenTable, and movie studio tools at Netflix. He now leads design for the supply side of ticketing at StubHub. Izhar is also passionate about making design and technology accessible for anyone, especially folks from marginalized communities.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/izharbuendia/

About the UX Cafecito

A time for UXers, researchers, and anyone interested in UX to get together to chat, meet other Latinx UXers, and help each other with questions/advice. We will meet weekly on Fridays for 30 minutes.

Visit the UX Cafecito Notion site to access UX resources, give us feedback, or sign up to present or facilitate at events!


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Izhar Buendia


Product Designer


Brenda Hoyle